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World Citizenship - Registry of World Citizens - ASCOP - Peoples Congress

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This charter is now replaced by the charter of the ASCOP

To title documentary and for archives:


WE, members (partners) of

(Association) (Co-operative) (Société) (ONG) lawfully made up in the country of
according to the law
and which status vwere officialized on

IN FRONT OF physical or moral suffering of million human beings concerned by hunger (undernutrition or badnutrition) - among them children are the most affected,

ASSERTING that hunger and poverty are not a fate but a consequence of the political unorganization of the planet,

NOTICING a frequent opposition between national interests and world people's interests - plus lack of any transnational authority to protect them,

by this charter, we declare that we are in favour of the creation of a WORLD SOLIDARITY INSTITUTION, in the service of the world people to unable the satisfaction of fundamental needs shared by all human beings.

This position is public and permanent. It means that :

  1. We recall that our security and our welfare are linked to security and welfare of all peoples of the world.
  2. We wish, as far as we can, cooperate at a transnational level in order to get set up - by successive steps - the prior conditions to the creation of the WORLD SOLIDARITY INSTITUTION that we demand.
  3. We call on all the people who agree with this claim to elect representatives for a "Peoples"Congress", first assembly to be constituted in order to represent them at a world level, and from which we expect the setting up of a WORLD DEMOCRATIC LAW. Recpect of differences implies that this law be federal.
  4. We ask for the creation of a WORLD SOLIDARITY TAX that will possibly be levied on countries budgets and on transnational trade in order to sustain life and efforts of the most deprived populations.
  5. We ask our government and present international institutions to levy on their budgets the necessary sums to ensure the functioning of the "Peoples'Congress".
  6. We call on each association, community, foundation, co-operative, society and any other collectivity to join in this solidarity charter.
  7. We commit ourselves to promote an education based on peace and solidarity within the activities of our organzation and, as far as possible in concert with the other organizations which signed this charter.
  8. Without diswning our attachment, our duties and our rights with reference to our nation, in so far as they are compatible with a possible world organization, we declare for a solidarity contract within world community.





. To participate in ASCOP

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