Here is a most welcome appearance.
In 1993 Prof. Glossop published his book under this
title and now, it has been translated into the
international language as Monda Federacio?. As an
inveterate user and writer in Esperanto he has brought
book up to date with a chapter to cover the past eight
years. That, and the accomplished work of the English
translator, John Rapley, have produced a most useful
addition to the literature, probably unique, since
despite the tradition of Lanti and other non-nationally
minded writers, there has been nothing in the
international language previously covering the whole
question of world government.
So the book is doubly welcome, since it is an able and
erudite discussion of the need and possibilities of
transforming the planets government and thereby making
peace possible, something not available with any other
mooted avenue of change. Esperantists are natural
internationalists, and potential world citizens, but like
all of us, most of them have been brought up in
nationalist communities, blinkered by the traditions of
militarism and national barriers that are presumed to be
god-given or eternal. They need, like all of us, to shed
the political and social preconceptions that blind us to
the urgent needs of the time. Now, at least, they have an
opportunity of seeing the arguments laid out in a
language that they can follow, even if they themselves
continuing to belie the hoary old canard that "everybody
speaks English."
The importance of these past eight years becomes
evident in reading of the changes that have occurred,
from the enlargement of the European Community and its
transformation into the Union to the imminent creation of
a permanent International Criminal Court as well as the
highly significant ratification of the Law of the Sea
convention. Professor Lucio Levi is rightly quoted in his
analysis of the crucial example of Europe for the
unification of the world, although one could wish that it
was more rapid and had fewer backslidings. Nevertheless,
there is a steady process of growth and integration that
cannot be ignored or gainsaid and we can feel confident
that Europe, by uniting such a mix of languages,
traditions and former hostilities, is showing the way to
the eventuality of world federation.
The insistence upon the importance of the imminent
international criminal court is noteworthy - and accurate
- for that will pave the way to a complete transformation
of the global political scene.
Once the International Criminal Court is available,
the recourse of the United States to armed force, as has
happened after September 11th, will no longer be as
automatic or acceptable, even within the States, because
an alternative will be on offer, giving the possibility
of settlement of the most urgent quarrels by peaceful and
legal means. Such a route will be increasingly tempting
to a world that sees daily the disasters attendant upon
the methods of war that are still prepared for and too
often used.
Here it is ironic that an article from Le Monde
prophesies that the war in Kosovo has spelt just such an
end to old-fashioned recourse ot war. Because in future,
say the author, the United Nations will have to undertake
global policing and not leave such work to NATO. Instead,
at the moment, we have the spectacle of the U.S. doing
just that, with the British acting as the lone rider from
the NATO stable and a 'coalition' of more or less
supporting states remaining well in the background.
Officially, Esperanto has been one of the languages of
the World Federalist Movement since 1977, but that is
honored more in the breach than in the observance.
However, I did take a message from the movement to the
Universala Kongreso in Finland a few years ago. Now, to
forward what is being done by works such as the one under
review, there will be at least one meeting at next year's
world federalist Congress in London both for Esperantists
and other federalists. That will be an opportunity to
bring Esperantists together into a real coalition for
peace and enable federalists to better understand the
crucial necessity of language reform for the sake of
global democracy.
Ron Glossop concludes this new edition by discussing
recent writing on the whole subject and giving a useful
account of the anti-globalization movement. This is an
effective way of bringing the whole subject up to date
and would also be useful for federalists not proficient
in Esperanto (as they probably ought to be). An English
speaker of the language, who died this year, used to
remark that an Esperantist was an internationalist who
meant it; and that description is not an inaccurate
However, we must hope the readers of this new
translation will appreciate that internationalism is not
enough: they need also to understand the need for World