Over 400 World Citizens and World Federalists,
meeting at the Tokyo Congress, from July 24 to august 6,
1980, have issued the following declaration :
We, World Citizens and World Federalists, assembled in
Tokyo on July 30, 1980, realizing
- That absolute sovereignty claimed by the 153 nations
of the world leads each one of them to promote its own
interests, however detrimental they may be to those of
other states, for want of world law and failing an
adequate reform of the U.N., which lacks sufficient
competence in its present form,
- that resulting conflicts too often find no other
issue than war, and that over-armament caused by such
prospects endangers, for the first time in history, the
very survival of humanity,
- that such sovereignty is set forth by states to
challenge any foreign interference in the interest of
safeguarding human rights which are too frequently
trampled upon,
- that under cover of that national sovereignty,
states refuse, out of self interest, the sacrifices or
compromises needed to solve the other major problems
humanity is faced with : malnutrition, under-development,
demographic growth, ecological unbalances, pollution,
energy crisis, non-renewable resources depletion,
economical and monetary disorders, and the terrible
injustices of a trade system that favors the developed
countries at the expense of the underdeveloped,
that we must point out to the leaders of the Nation-
states the heavy responsibility they carry
We solemnly call on them
- ton consider the transfer of part of their country's
national sovereignty to democratic world institutions
endowed with limited but real powers which would enable
them to arbitrate international conflicts, pending the
final deferral, democratic organization of the world.
We call on the peoples of every country to demand from
their leaders the achievement of that objective.