1. ASCOP was created by the People's Congress: The People's Congress during its plenary session held in Paris on October 25,26 and 27, 2003 decided the creation of the Consultative Assembly to the People's Congress (ASCOP-Assemblée Consultative auprès du Congrès des Peuples ) in order to establish a participatory form of democracy. The present regulations are intended to describe the minimum rules necessary for the functioning of trans-national activities. Elaborated by the Consultative Assembly itself, the regulations have to be approved by the People's Congress as well as all the coming amendments. 2. Foundation principles: The future of the world is the responsibility of each one and us all together. Millions of isolated people, thousands of association try to make their voices heard, cry the world's distress, elaborate proposals that they try to develop. But their attempts remain insufficient, fragile and without future. These forces of denunciation and the proposals presented are missing the strength of the law. World law based on democracy and able to act for the preservation of the planet, for earth survival, survival of humanity and human rights protection, is missing. The People's Congress, institution created by the willing power of 100.000 voters from 120 countries has is organized for individuals and organizations a space for dialog and a platform for proposals: The Consultative Assembly to the People's Congress. It has become obvious and necessary for many organizations and numerous trends of opinions that life on earth and survival of the biosphere, are intimately linked to the capacity of the earth populations to handle their lives and their common future. From now on it has become banal to declare one self "world citizen". In other words to place world interests before national interests. And everybody agrees that the future of humanity will be democratic or will not be. Over and over again, many organizations agree fully or implicitly with this affirmation and are convinced that world democracy will impose itself if all the forces are to be united. That is why it is so important for all the different organizations who think that another world is possible to come together, organize numerous meetings, exchange experiences and hopes.They have to submit it to the government representatives so that where there is a problem the elected members speak the rights: Human rights, humanity rights, the right of future generations and including the duties attached to them. 3.Goals:
4.Membership: Who can become a member of the PC Consultative Assembly? 4.1 Organizations:
4.2. Individuals: The registered world Citizens and the members of a permanent forum organized on the internet Every registration needs approval from the trans-national piloting committee. 5.Administration: 5.1. Board: The board includes:
The Secretary General convenes the board members 5.2. The trans-national piloting committee: The trans-national piloting committee is especially in charge of regulating, harmonising and supervising the different regional and specialised initiatives proposed. It includes:
The principal coordinator convenes the trans-national piloting committee meetings 5.3. The board and trans-national committee meetings can be organized physically or electronically. 5.4. The Board and trans-national committee decisions must be taken according to the founding principles described above. 5.5 The mandate is signed for a period of 3 years renewable 5.6 Nominations must be done democratically under direct or indirect control of the People's Congress The definition of the position, the candidate's profile and the election procedures will be chosen previously by the members of the Board and the trans-national committee and the People's Congress president . 6.Activities: 6.1. ASCOP is open to every citizen initiatives individually or organized in an association .In the present regulations no list can be published. 6.2 The initiator of a proposed activity has to set up an organization committee structurally independent from the board and the trans-national piloting committee but however linked to it. 6.3 Each proposal of a new initiative must have the agreement of the trans-national piloting committee 6.4. The trans-national piloting committee has a permanent right to watch the development of those initiatives approved by the ASCOP. The auditors must have access regularly to the accounts. 7. Financial organization: 7.1 At the trans-national level: a) Organizations: Members of the ASCOP have to pay an annual fee decided by the board. The payment of this fee is compulsory but it can be adjusted to the financial solvability of the partner organization. b) Individuals: The World Citizens and the people participating in the forum are not asked to pay an annual fee This annual fees will help to finance the activities of the board and the trans-national piloting committee 7.2: At the local and regional level: The regional and specialised activities of the ASCOP will be entirely financed by the local organization committee The creation of an inter-initiative fund will be discussed 8. Work languages- Recommandations : 8.1. The work languages should be those that the organizers speak the most fluently. At the level of multi-languages complex exchanges, Esperanto should be used because it is the Consultative Assembly's official language 8.2. Documents: Official documents (Internal regulations, bulletins, brochures, declarations, trans-national invitations and reports) must have an Esperanto version. 8.3 Exchanges of letters and participation to the forum can take place in any language; the translation in Esperanto, even if desirable remains non compulsory. 9. Controls and appeals: 9.1 Each member of the ASCOP has the right of investigation on the ASCOP's activities The investigations can be done directly or by proxy:
9.2. In any case, the rights and duties linked to the investigation procedures should not affect the people's private life ,cause economical, moral and psychological pressure or use acts of violence and intimidations .The investigation exercise has to remain linked to the obligation of politeness, dignity and mutual respect. 9.3. In case, a member of the ASCOP has been denied his investigation right he can refer to: - The other elected board members and the members of the trans-national piloting committee. 9.4. Every person that has to be investigated on location should be informed several days in advance 9.5. Every deliberation ,every meeting is open for all the ASCOP members that want to attend it of course in the limits provided by national laws, current at the location 9.6. In case of a severe breach of the rules of good behaviour, disciplinary measures can be taken, starting with suspension of the member by the board or a person especially appointed by it . A judicial inquiry can be introduced on the location of the breach of the law 10. Transitional Norms: For every case not anticipated in this regulations, ASCOP will refer to the universal declaration of human rights and to the civil code and obligations of the country where the ASCOP is meeting. Paris, April 18 ,2004 |
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