card -
- Warning
- Patronage
If you wish :
- to be registered as a World Citizen
- receive your World Citizen card
please send this form, filled and signed,
and an ID
is free of charge.
You can obtain an identity card for
Euros (or equivalent) -except
in case of financial difficulties
by postal mail to
WORLD CITIZENS, Les Nids, 49190
or another approved
Registration Centre, or a world civil status Officer

email: Copy the form hereunder, paste it into the
message body, fill it and
send it to Registry
"I Hereby apply to be
registered as a World Citizen. As such it is my intention
to recognize my responsibilities as a member of the world
community and to add this highest degree of citizenship
to my present nationality"
To complete this form, here are
some guidelines:
- Choice of membership
if you want to register without buying the ID card now,
choose "enregistrement
simple" simple registration"
"gratuit" free".
Check the number 1,
then click on "Étape
suivante" Next Step".
- The acquisition of the World Citizen Identity
Card through the "helloasso" form requires the use of
a credit card.
- Next step
The information requested on this page is what will
appear on your card or registration certificate... All
information marked with an asterisk * is required.
- If you do not have a ID picture ready to
send, you can do so later at the address indicated in
the reply.
- "your message". Specify in this box :
- your postal address, if it is different from
your place of residence,.
- the language in which you want your card or
certificate to be written.
- Next step
This page suggests leaving a tip to support HelloAsso. It
is better to check "I do not wish to leave a
- Next step
- Fill in the NAME, First name, email address, Date
of birth, Country of residence again.
- Check "I accept the use of ....
- then click on "finalize".
- Choose your payment
method: This page is secured.
Immediately after your payment, you will receive from
HelloAsso a confirmation of payment to World Citizens,
but also an invitation to open an account with HelloAsso.
It is useless.
The term "Adherents" used by HelloAsso is
theoretically not suitable for a "registration" as World
Citizen, but we can do "with", because the meaning is
To declare oneself a World Citizen is not to join an
association but :
- publicly recognizing one's membership in the human
- to claim the existence of democratic institutions
common to all humanity.
In order to give the greatest possible number of human
beings the possibility of manifesting their world
citizenship, the World Citizens Registry must have the means
of information and action. To support this effort, it is
proposed to participate voluntarily by making donations
(or: "voluntary world
tax") of a minimum annual amount equal to
half a day's income.
"World Citizen is any
person who
recognizes that he or she belongs to the world community and
behaves in accordance with that identity,
calls for global problems to be addressed by democratic
global institutions".