As the world "
GLOBAL " or the phrase " WORLD WIDE " are used in many
different meanings, the French world " MONDIALISTE "
changed into " MUNDIALIST " has been adopted in
English ... by Mundialists, all over the world. The
word was invented, over 30 years ago, by World
Citizens and World Federalists, to give a name to a
new political organization of the world which would
replace the disorder we now have ; disorder fostered
by the juxtaposition of Nation-States - each enjoying
Absolute National Sovereignty - whose rivalry,
inevitably, leads humankind to self
The Editor
MUNDIALISM is all the ideas and actions expressing the
solidarity of populations of the globe and aiming to
establish institutions and supranational laws of a
federative structure common to them, while respecting the
diversity of cultures and peoples.
MUNDIALISM is also a scientific approach to social and
inter-individual phenomena as seen from the world point
of view.
MUNDIALISM is striving to propose a new political
organization of humanity involving the transfer of
certain parts of national sovereignty to a World Federal
Authority capable of solving, by majority decisions, the
problems which call into question the future of the human
race, such as : hunger, war, pollution, over-population
and energy.
The requirements of MUNDIALISM will not be satisfied
with the obligations of international treaties or
agreements that lack effective sanctions.