International press have remarked that the
recent canvassing in West Germany and the United States
were not "riding high". The French presidential campaign
seems to be beginning just the same : no candidate is
suggesting any solution for safeguarding the very file of
the French people, which, of course, is dependent of the
survival of the whole human species. Yet, the survival of
the species is threatened and the threat is increasing
every day :
- World war between East and West
Any world war will mean the disappearance of France
despite its deterrent power. On this subject, mundialists
suggest to begin the necessary process of world
disarmament, with a recourse to the preamble of the
French Constitution which allows for the provision that
"under provision of reciprocation, France consents to the
limitations of its sovereignty necessary to the
organization and defense of peace", the only way of
exercising supranational effective control on
- world revolution of the South against the North
Billions of the hungry people will prepare for
revolution if no solution is found to hunger. How can
balance be found between 1/3 overfed and 2/3 underfed ?
How can we avoid the waste of wealth ? How can we forbid
the pillage of the third world going on ? How can the
exchange rates of raw materials and currencies be
stabilized ? Can we do it without questioning the notion
of absolute national sovereignty ?
- World pollution of earth, sea and air
Oceans and atmosphere are more and more polluted every
day, deserts spread, black tides multiply. Without any
world laws securing its protection, the biosphere, the
source of all life, is condemned to extinction.
- World overpopulation
Most Nation-States consider that an increase in their
population gives them political and military power.
Whereas, only a fair and active World Institution can
help balance population increase with decisions that will
be to the benefit of the whole of humankind and not at
the service of a few : national governments, political or
religious leaders, financial powers,
- World Energy
Non renewable world energy and raw materials are
wasted because there is no supranational authority in a
position to exploit and distribute them in an equitable
way. Nation-States have but one policy, from hand to
mouth, never far-sighted, turned toward prestige or
imperialism, refusing a world solution to this crucial
In May 1968, quite a few principles were addressed,
found obsolete ; many new points of view have been
adopted since. It could bi the same for national
sovereignty : why could political leaders not question
the principle of the absolute national sovereignty of
each Nation- State ? After two centuries of scientific
progress, the 163 Nation-States of the world have
completely interdependent economies ; it should mean that
a "national" candidate can challenge the principle of
national independence which is obsolete when compared to
reality, but strangely is still upheld by politicians. A
certain number of Jurists have understood this very well
and they have recommended in some constitutions the
restriction of national sovereignty to allow a new,
effective political organization of humankind to be
adopted : the one that will work for its survival.