With Professor Paul de LA PRADELLE chairing, the
PEOPLES' CONGRESS held its 7th plenary session and
presented the following resolutions.
- Concerning the peaceful settlement of
Pending the establishment of a World Federal State
which will guarantee the peaceful settlement of
conflicts, the Peoples' Congress invites national
governments to accept the obligation of submitting their
conflicts, that cannot be settled by negotiations between
the parties, to procedures of inquests, mediations,
conciliations, judiciary rulings before the International
Court of Justice or procedures before Arbitration Courts
in Case of a right being protested or to procedures
before Special Equity Courts in Case of pleas interesting
a mutation of rights. The concept of "obligation" means
that procedure can be initiated with the unilateral plea
of one of the parties. The decisions of the Court and
Tribunals bind the parties and means the acceptance of
the decision of a third party.
- About disarmament and détente :
Any progress towards general, complete, simultaneous
and internationally controlled disarmament, as well as
any measures leading to détente, are equally
As for voting constituencies distributed all over
the globe
The PEOPLES' CONGRESS, meeting at La Lambertie,
- expresses its support to the drafting of a project
for voting constituencies on a global plane, in view
of a direct, universal suffrage election of a World
House (or Parliament), with supranational legislative
competency, following the world done by Hannah
- strongly recommends the creation of two other
Assemblies so that, in a world federal system with
representative assemblies, the voice of States,
opinions and interests can complete the representative
House of the populations.
- Chairpersons for 1984-1985
Have been elected for period 1984-1985 :
- President of the Peoples' Congress : Douglas
- Vice-President : Bhupendra Kishore