Where is today, the world authority that can
take care of the claims of the Polish people ?
Definitively not the UN, where the nations-states are
just sitting near each other, in powerless proximity
because they are more prone to fight for their own
national interests than for those of the people of the
world !
Thus, with theses conditions, the Polish people, the
Afghan people, the Salvadorian people, the Chilean
people, etc ..; have no other choice than individual
resistance, either violent or non-violent, at the risk of
complete destruction.
World Citizens, firmly believing that ideological
motives or nationalistic interests, reckoned as superior,
in whatever regime then can be found, are too often the
pretext for human rights to be trampled down, recommend a
world organization based on the principles of federalism
and reject the distribution of States into areas
belonging to either the Western or the Eastern Bloc. They
refuse the subservience of a people under a foreign
government and do not accept the principle of
non-intervention when the issue is restoring the rights
of peoples.
They strongly declare that if each nation-state
consented to give up a parto of its sovereignty to the
benefit of a World institution instructed with defending
the rights of peoples, the solution of these problems,
that mean the very future of humankind is at stake, would
begin to dawn.