Louis PERILLIER recalls that the Preliminary Commission
of the Disarmament Conference that opened in Geneva, on
February 2nd 1932, organized by the League of Nations,
had the question of verification placed in the agenda.
The delegates of several countries discussed the point
for several years.
After the Second World War, the issue of verification
was taken up again, but the work was not as thorough and
sound as during the Geneva Conference. In that line, in
1960, five Western countries put forward a proposition
for complete and controlled disarmament and the
McCloy/Zorin Declaration of 1961 clearly envisaged
We find this preoccupation with verification again in
the 1963 Moscow treaty, in the Helsinki Agreement of 1975
and in the final Declaration of the United Nations
special session on Disarmament, held in 1978.
Will a country recommended placing "verification" on
the agenda of the U.N. Special Session on Disarmament,
next June as was the case at the League of Nations, 50
years ago.
Why should France not be that country, when it had
already considered verification an essential component
among its suggestions, during the Geneva Conference,
which lasted from 1932 to 1934 ?
over the world, the Delegates elected to the Peoples
World Citizens
Upon the initiative of Lucile GREEN, elected delegate
to the Peoples Congress, on March 20, between 11.30 p.m.
and midnight on the occasion of the Spring equinox, a
round-the-world phone call will take place between World
Citizens of San Francisco and New York (U.S.A.), of
Mississauga (Canada), of London (G.B.), of Geneva
(Switzerland), of New Delhi (india) of Melbourne
(Australia, of Osaka (Japan), of Mexico (Mexico) of
Banjul (Gambia) and Paris (France). This last
contribution will be, on March 20, at 11.30.p.m. during
the International Alternative Symposium "TERRA NOVA",
which will be held from March 20 to 28 1982, place de la
Bastille, in Paris.