In June, European electors will vote to
elect Euro-M.P.s whose job will be, in theory, to deal
with European problems.
But only in theory, because these deputies will not
have the power to draw up supranational laws binding on
member states.
Only in theory because, finally, these deputies are
chosen by the various party headquarters and are required
in the Assembly at Strasbourg to defend the nationalist
views of practically all parties, in preference to the
ideal of a Federated Europe, which ought to be the
logical conclusion of the system.
When will European citizens be in a position to stand
as candidates anywhere in Europe on the sole basis of
their ideas for the welfare of Europe as a whole, and not
as defenders of partisan nations ?
Nevertheless one has to admit that the vote for an
European Assembly, imperfect as it is, is better than
letting states settle conflicts through war, as was
always the case previously. Progress is therefore
undeniable but, to make it concrete and irreversible and
to banish the demon habit of the rule of force, these
European elections should be the opportunity for every
inhabitant to delegate his quota of Sovereignty to
European deputies having power to deal with European
problems. This would constitute a great step towards a
Federal Europe.
July 17th, among the group of mundialists, is
the date of the counting of votes in the election for the
World Peoples' Congress, when 10 000 inhabitants of the
planet in about fifty countries will have been called
upon to elect two new delegates among eight candidates of
varying nationalities. These electors will be
symbolically delegating their quota of world sovereignty
to "global delegates" chosen to solve the big problems of
humanity's survival : war, hunger, pollution,
Now this election is completely transnational : no
national considerations come into it as far as either the
candidate or the elector is concerned. All that counts is
the idea for which a candidate stands.
Of course these delegates to the World Peoples'
Congress have no power : but what real power do
Euro-M.P.s have ?
This election in therefore symbolic today, but it
shows a state of mind, a political orientation. In this
experiment, mundialists are proving that such a
transnational election on a global scale is actually
possible. A global Peoples' Chamber could thus be elected
to constitute, together with the United Nations
Organization as an Upper House or Senate, a World
Parliament that today is so sorely needed for the
solution of the problems of human survival.