The World
Community against Hunger, in executive conference on
January 29th and 30th, 1983
that the present world structure inevitably leads to
a savage international competition always unfavorable to
the most disadvantaged,
- That the exceptional development of the richest
countries has been furthered through the underpriced
exploitation of the mineral, agricultural and human
resources of less favored countries,
- That falls in exchange rate have too often
led the governments of poor countries to encourage
export crops at the expense of growing food for the
- That hunger is directly or indirectly the main
cause of mortality in the world.
The World Community against Hunger therefore
reaffirms :
- That no individual or group should flourish to the
detriment of another,
- That food is a human right, and that every man's
work should primarily be channeled towards
self-sufficiency in the basic needs of himself and his
- That development programs must in addition grant
to each an expression of his or her dignity,
- That food, when exchanged, should not be treated
as simply a commodity.
In consequence, World Community against
- Draws the attention of consumers, producers and
those in power, to the sometimes catastrophic
repercussion of development springing purely from
motives of profit or prestige ;
- asks, pending the creation of a Global support
organization that prices of agricultural products be
fixed by agreement so as to enable the poorest
producers to raise their standard of living,
- demands that each country should point its
agriculture and its food industry in the direction,
not of financial objectives, but of reducing the
dependence of its region in the matter of food,
limiting trade to surpluses only.
Such development policies may help in, one day,
ensuring that no human being is ever again threatened by