-As we have heard,
during the last months of the year of scores of attacks,
military interventions, local wars, confrontations
between different ethnical groups, everywhere in the
world, we think it is all the more valid to publish the
editorial which the Director of the International
Registry of World Citizens, Roger WELLHOFF, has written
in his bulletin.
For political leaders, in our times, the issue of the
"melting pot" represented by populations and ethnical
groups with different traditions, customs and ideals
having to live together, is crucial. Whether we have
this, at a country's level, from Lebanon to Chad or, at
world's level, from to Soviet Union to the United States
for example, it is very hard to obtain toleration towards
the "Stranger", respect for those that are opponents of
the time being and trust, the only sentiments that can
bring peace back when the lighting or event the Col War
are over. Confronted by violence, there is some natural
need to belong to a group that drives the members of that
group, whether it be a national, ethnical or party group,
to consider this group, and this group to the exclusion
of others, as the unconditional Truth which deserves
every sacrifice. Fighting for the defense of all these
unconditional Truths that are antagonists, fosters
Mundialists are rash enough to believe there might be
means, undoubtedly difficult to carry out, that would
allow a peaceful cohabitation, on day today level or on
world level. These means would be found in being
respectful towards those who are "different",
particularly towards the rights of minorities, in
organizing group along federalist principles in order to
bring about democratic, federal, supranational World
Institutions, since the nation, considered as the
Unconditional Truth, is the main source of warfare.