The most intolerable separation between humans
is the one that is based upon food. Indeed being able to
have food is the prime condition for any other
potentiality whether it be the quest for freedom or the
happiness of individuals or societies.
At the peak of the "Cold War" in the fifties, the
World Citizens, with Josue de CASTRO, Lord Boyd ORR,
abbey Pierre, Rene DUMONT, Michel CEPEDE, Robert BURON,
were the first to perceive and denounce the
disgraceful global situation of the unequal distribution
of food.
They deciphered the problem to define the causes more
deeply and better than any other and therefore, World
Citizens have thought out remedies that are the best
among the suggested ones, that means the WORLD COMMUNITY
The WORLDS FUND intends, through practicing a policy
for stimulating development, not only to have more
favorable circumstances to improve local conditions
"Projects"), but also to establish a democratic,
federalist concept at world scale.
Based upon the analyses of World Citizens who see that
the outdated partition of the globe into States with
complete sovereignty supports savage competition, the
birth of imperialist or totalitarian ideologies, the
appropriation by a minority of the globe's resources, the
denial of Human Rights, the arms race and the
deterioration of the biosphere, the World Fund in
opposition, initiates a community practice independent of
States and of any kind of lobbies. Confronting the
transnational economic powers, its ambition is to be, one
day, in a position to be strong enough for the peoples,
spurred by global will, to be able to choose freely their
own way towards development.
As for institutions, the delineation of homogenous,
geographical areas following their ecological, social and
economical and cultural composition, working on
democratic lines and federated into the World Fund
General Assembly, should make it possible to build the
foundations for rational imbalance in the exploitation of
resources (autonomous development, endogenous economies)
while maintaining the populations' identity.
For the individual acting following the lines of the
World Fund will be a fulfilling experience : each member
of the project will exercise his or her personal
sovereignty within the World Fund which he will own,
together with the other members. The Malaysian fisherman
will know that the Brazilian peasant and the Thailand's
craftsman have helped him improve his living conditions
and this will be reciprocal. Thus an awareness of ling on
the same planet whose crops have to be equitably
distributed will, little by little, grow in the minds,
indeed what humanity needs really is this mutation in
awareness so that we can reach the harmonious stage of
development which, actually, is possible because humanity
already has the technical means for achieving it.
In fact, we have there the idea that makes of the
World Fund something utterly different : work towards the
aim when men and women take care of their own destiny, as
well in the line of growing their own food as in
mastering for ever their powers of choice.
World Community against Hunger
1 ruelle Haute
21120 GEMEAUX (France)